


  • Key Fob Required: Use of the facility outside staffed hours (located at the bottom of the page), requires a valid key fob. The changing rooms will stay open.

  • Key Fob Update: If you haven't yet purchased a new key fob or updated your current one since November 1st, we kindly ask you to visit the gym office. Please bring your key fob along, if you have one, and we'll be happy to help you get it entered into our new system. Note that previously issued key fobs no longer work, and we're here to assist you with the update!



The facility is open all NATO ID Card Holders and their dependents (age restrictions apply).  For inquires you can email the gym staff at


Key FOB Holders

Locker Rentals

Main Hall

First Floor

Top Floor


Hours of Operation:

Staffed Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 0900-1800

Fri: 0900-1600


Closed on Sat, NATO holidays, and NATO holiday weekends.  



Key FOB Access:

Mon - Thurs 0500 - 0900 / 1800 - 2300

Fri: 0500 - 0900 / 1600 - 2300

No Access Authorized: 2300 - 0500


*Access times may differ depending at times, hours will be posted and communicated with updated guidance.

Contact Us:

Phone: +31 (0)45 526 3170 / 3171

